#215: Meet "The Irish Oracle" – Ted Corcoran, Past International President

October 15, 2022Categories: Change, Club Experience, International President, Leadership

The Toastmasters Podcast with Greg Gazin
The Toastmasters Podcast is like a radio talk show featuring interviews with Toastmasters usually featured in the Toastmaster magazine. The purpose of the podcast is to amplify the magazine - to dig deeper or to put a voice to a face or written wordBut unlike a radio show, a podcast is on the Internet, and available, for free, to anyone in the world with an Internet connection, and a connected device capable of playing audio. 260+ episodes are at ToastmastersPodcast.comThe Toastmasters Podcast is co-produced by Toastmasters International and Archieboy Holdings, LLC, for our global audience of Toastmasters and those interested in public speaking and leadership.

[31:22] Ted Corcoran has left an indelible impact on the history of Toastmasters. Not only did he serve as an International President, but he helped originate what became known as the Distinguished Club Program, and introduced a lively "underground" tradition to the annual International Convention that is now a part of the official agenda – and we'll hear about this and many other stories in a light and entertaining fashion. At age 79 and after 37 years, Ted continues to contribute to the Toastmasters community in his home District 71 (parts of the UK, and Ireland), and to districts and members the world over. 

Ted Corcoran was featured in the September 2022 issue of the Toastmaster, in an article titled "The Irish Oracle: Ted Corcoran’s wisdom and generosity uplift members around the world."

Ted's Books >

The Leadership Bus: How to be a Truly Effective and Successful Leader

Hiring a Car and Walking After It: A little book of life lessons

Contact Ted via email: corcoran.ted @ gmail dot com