#202: The "Periodic Table" of Communication Skills - David JP Phillips

April 01, 2022Categories: Communication, Public Speaking, Personal Development

The Toastmasters Podcast with Greg Gazin
The Toastmasters Podcast is like a radio talk show featuring interviews with Toastmasters usually featured in the Toastmaster magazine. The purpose of the podcast is to amplify the magazine - to dig deeper or to put a voice to a face or written wordBut unlike a radio show, a podcast is on the Internet, and available, for free, to anyone in the world with an Internet connection, and a connected device capable of playing audio. 260+ episodes are at ToastmastersPodcast.comThe Toastmasters Podcast is co-produced by Toastmasters International and Archieboy Holdings, LLC, for our global audience of Toastmasters and those interested in public speaking and leadership.

[32:15] David JP Phillips, spent seven years and studied 5,000 speakers to identify and distill the core skills and subskills of communication. On today's show, he shares the results of his research, how many skills he discovered and how he uses them to coach speakers to improve as efficiently as possible.

Imagine making one simple tweak—such as adjusting the volume of your voice—and having it cascade, improve your performance in several related areas. This is just one example. Through David's process, such effects are not just possible—they are predictable.

David is the founder of HeadGain Academy, and a TEDx speaker. He also presented on the topic of today's interview at the 2021 Toastmasters Convention. He also wrote about this topic in the April 2022 issue of the Toastmaster magazine which you might want to have handy while listening to this episode.

Watch David's TEDx Talk, The 110 techniques of communication and public speaking: https://youtu.be/K0pxo-dS9Hc

Check out HeadGain Academy: https://www.headgain.com

Register for the 2021 Toastmasters International Virtual Convention on Demand: https://onlineevent.com/toastmasters/events/2626

Connect with David on social media:
LinkedIn > https://www.linkedin.com/in/davidjpphillips
YouTube> https://youtu.be/AwudklhwYoo
Instagram > https://www.instagram.com/davidjpphillips