#191: Overcoming Your Inner Stutter – Joze Piranian
October 15, 2021Categories: Inspiration, Personal Development, Stage Fright, Public Speaking
The Toastmasters Podcast with Greg Gazin
The Toastmasters Podcast is like a radio talk show featuring interviews with Toastmasters usually featured in the Toastmaster magazine. The purpose of the podcast is to amplify the magazine - to dig deeper or to put a voice to a face or written wordBut unlike a radio show, a podcast is on the Internet, and available, for free, to anyone in the world with an Internet connection, and a connected device capable of playing audio. 260+ episodes are at ToastmastersPodcast.comThe Toastmasters Podcast is co-produced by Toastmasters International and Archieboy Holdings, LLC, for our global audience of Toastmasters and those interested in public speaking and leadership.
[27:04] How does a lifelong stutterer become a successful motivational speaker and standup comedian? Today's guest, Joze Piranian originally from Lebanon, now based in Toronto, Canada, shares his inspirational journey with Greg and Ryan. After avoiding speaking almost entirely for more than 25 years, Joze decided he would no longer let his stutter stand in the way of living a full and fruitful life.
Joze credits a combination of speech therapy and Toastmasters training that helped propel him to new heights. Today, he makes audiences around the world laugh and also inspires them with his message: If fear is holding you back, you can turn your fear into action, overcome your "inner stutter," and unlock your true potential.
Joze's Website > https://www.jozepiranian.com
Joze's Instagram > https://www.instagram.com/yeswayjoze
Joze's LinkedIn > https://www.linkedin.com/in/jozepiranian