#139: Let's Hear from the 2017 International Convention Volunteers

August 10, 2018Categories: International Convention, Podcast "On Location", In-Person Interviews

The Toastmasters Podcast with Greg Gazin with Ryan Levesque and Bo Bennett
The Toastmasters Podcast is a talkshow designed to amplify the Toastmaster magazine content, featuring interviews with Toastmasters, contributors and those connected with the articles of this monthly publication. ALL 250+ Episodes can be found at ToastmastersPodcast.com.

[27:05] It takes a lot of helping hands to make an International Convention successful. In this episode, recorded live in Vancouver at the 86th annual International Convention, Greg has a conversation with Joe Da Silva, DTM who tells us - what's involved in his role as Volunteer Coordinator Chair overseeing some 240+ volunteers; some of the things he's learned and what people can expect, learn and experience as a volunteer.

In the second half of the podcast, you'll get to meet seven volunteers, many who have taken on various tasks during the event. You'll learn why they signed up to offer at least 10 hours of their time, some of the things they've experienced, even behind the scenes. You’ll no doubt sense the fun they had, the people they met, some memorable moments and the endless opportunities for leadership.

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