#079: "Emote" with 2007 World Champion of Public Speaking, Vikas Jhingran

May 08, 2014Categories: Personal Development, World Champion Of Public Speaking

The Toastmasters Podcast with Greg Gazin
The Toastmasters Podcast is like a radio talk show featuring interviews with Toastmasters usually featured in the Toastmaster magazine. The purpose of the podcast is to amplify the magazine - to dig deeper or to put a voice to a face or written wordBut unlike a radio show, a podcast is on the Internet, and available, for free, to anyone in the world with an Internet connection, and a connected device capable of playing audio. 260+ episodes are at ToastmastersPodcast.comThe Toastmasters Podcast is co-produced by Toastmasters International and Archieboy Holdings, LLC, for our global audience of Toastmasters and those interested in public speaking and leadership.

[22:14] Vikas Jhingran is a speaker, author and corporate leader with a strong interest in helping people and teams reach their full potential. As an engineer with Shell Oil Company in Houston, Texas, he uses his leadership and communication skills to manage multi-million-dollar projects. Vikas advocates an emotion-based approach to verbal communication, which he explores in his book Emote: Using Emotions to Make Your Message Memorable

When he captured the 2007 Toastmasters World Championship of Public Speaking, Vikas became the first East Indian and the second Asian to win the annual competition.